Thursday, September 04, 2014

Attention CNN

Dear Boss of the technical analyst at CNN who inferred that 4Chan was "the hacker" that hacked into the cloud with his password app,

     I tried gently to tell the technical analyst on ®Twitter® that 4Chan is not the handle of a hacker dude who snooped around the cloud and leaked the pictures of the naked celebrities. He was obviously having a bad day I guess because he promptly b l o c k e d me. Hey, I know it's tough to be wrong. And I understand that budgets sometimes do not allow for fact checkers. Even so, the job title "technical analyst" assumed that the job holder of said job title ought to know that 4Chan is not some systems administrator who hacked into the cloud with his password app.

     And for the record, changing one's password from the word "password" to the more leet "pa$$word" does absolutely nothing for anyone's online or offline security.

     At the very least, please instruct your technical analyst that 4Chan is a website. And that "pa$$word" is not a secure password.

     I would prefer that your man unblock me from following him and that you instruct him about the importance of allowing corrections when it is so obviously needed but I am not holding my breath.

     If you want a real news story, there appears to be a level of interest into the question of why it took the F.B.I. so bloody long to begin to look into the shooting death of a black teen in Ferguson, Missouri but almost immediate attention was given to the question of exactly who hacked into the cloud for those naked photos of famous celebrities.



n.b.: Investigators of hackers, I did not hack into anything as I don't give a damn about naked pictures of celebrities. I sign myself the way I did in solidarity with the 4Chan website who suddenly finds itself accused of personhood.

the video, at least until it is taken down:


n.b. Stuff is all over the web. Impossible to list all of it.

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